Last meal: Chicken and dumplings and German ravioli with soda pops. And I ask that the people who do this to me be forgiven." Last words: "I wish to apologize to the victim's family for the pain I have caused and for the pain I have caused for my family and friends, and I ask for their forgiveness. Gerald Bivins, March 14, 2001, lethal injection Last meal: He appears to have two special meals, a breakfast consisting of pancakes, cereal, milk and coffee and a lunch of turkey, beets, macaroni with tomato sauce, fried apples. I would like to let my mother know I forgive her and I love her." Last words: "I'm not guilty, and I forgive those that are having to do this. Last meal: Steak, lobster, shrimp cocktail, chicken livers, fried eggplant, meatballs, salad with blue cheese dressing, a loaf of bread, an entire Boston Cream Pie, Dr. I'm sorry I helped make the world the way it is today." I hope the angels are flying close to the ground. Last words: "I'm ashamed of the way I lived my life and I pray God will forgive me. Last meal: Steak and lobster, salad with Thousand Island dressing and bleu cheese topping, and two espressos. James Thompson did not know what was going on. Last words: "Hopefully the Chambers family will find peace. Last words: "Let evil prevail where a good man does nothing." Last meal: Deep fried chicken, whipped potatoes, giblet gravy, Brussels sprouts, lettuce salad w/French dressing, cranberry sauce, ice cream with chilled peaches, buttered dinner rolls, milk, sugar and coffee.

I hope that my death in some way helps you heal." Ohrberg, a woman of great dignity, I am truly sorry for the agony that you have endured over the years. (Resnover was black his victim, Indianapolis police officer Jack Ohrberg, was white.) To Mrs. I know that I am not being put to death for what I am supposed to have done 14 years ago, but rather for reasons of politics and the institutional racism in our society. The statement read, in part: "As to the crime for which I have been put to death, I go to my grave an innocent man. I made one to my attorney."Įarlier on the night of his execution, Resonover handed his attorney, Robert Hammerle, a three page statement that Hammerle released at his funeral.

Steven Judy, March 9, 1981, electric chair
The feast is, technically, no longer the last meal but instead is taken the night prior to the execution (a policy change stemming from the messy 1997 execution of Gary Burris, who had a full stomach), The Indiana State Prison has kept track of the condemned personnel orders since 1985. Indiana allows its condemned personnel to order huge and fancy take-out meals from area restaurants, up to $50 worth of food. Since 1981, the Indiana State Prison has kept track of who said what. Moments prior to the execution, condemned personnel are asked for their final words. Indiana has executed 151 prisoners, not counting five federal executions that occurred in Indiana in federal prison, including, most famously, in 2001 Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.