Blast them with the Strobe Light then hit them with the horn and get the heck out! A Loud Fog Horn is great to keep on hand for deafening any unexpected visitors.I have a pretty solid hit and recently had the chance to practice my death blow in Alaska.

Blind anything headed your way with the strobe mode and then use it as a weapon if needed in self defense. Carry a good, solid, heavy flashlight like this one we have.If we have a sketchy feeling about a place, we leave. In the event of anything crazy happening we have a few go to’s for protection: We’ve never felt unsafe and we hope to keep it that way. In all our years of travel we’ve never had an issue, and we don’t personally know anyone that has. I even go Wild Camping on my own: Nikki Goes Solo – RV Road Trip For One Oh, and don’t watch the news…that stuff is riddled with fear mongering stories. Don’t let fear of the unknown talk you out of something before you have even given it a try. They have way bigger fish to fry in the cities where there are stores and houses loaded with valuables. Here’s the way we see it: The chance of a creeper driving all the way out to the middle of nowhere looking for unsuspecting campers that rarely show up isn’t too likely (much less anyone even knowing exactly where you are out in the wild). Most crime happens in a city, not in the wilderness. Yes, if it wasn’t, they wouldn’t allow it.